Cloud 101CircleEventsBlog
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Open Peer Reviews

CSA Large Language Model (LLM) Threats Taxonomy

Open Until: 04/19/2024

This document establishes a common taxonomy and definitions for key terms related to AI risk scenarios, threats, and contro...

Data Security - CCSK v5 Study Guide

Open Until: 04/22/2024

Data security stands as a cornerstone of maintaining organizational integrity and confidentiality. The rapid expansion of c...

Information Technology Governance, Risk, and Compliance in Healthcare v2

Open Until: 04/26/2024

Cloud GRC is an effective means for organizations to gather important risk data, validate compliance, and report results. O...

Enterprise Authority To Operate (EATO) Controls Framework

Open Until: 05/12/2024

The Enterprise Authority To Operate (EATO) working group is opening their Controls Framework for open peer review.<...


Data Resilience Survey 2024

Our goals for this survey are to identify industry readiness for resiliency requirements, strategies currently being deployed that may be recommended as best practices, and areas of need to address resiliency in cloud architecture. Take the survey for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!
Length: 7 minutes, up to 29 questions
Deadline: April 21st