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Ransomware Explained

Published 08/18/2017

Ransomware Explained

By Ryan Hunt, PR and Content Manager, SingleHop

How it Works — Plus Tips for Prevention & Recovery Ransomware attacks — a type of malware (a.ka. malicious software) — are proliferating around the globe at a blistering pace. In Q1 2017, a new specimen emerged every 4.2 seconds!* What makes ransomware a go-to mechanism for cyber attackers? The answer is in the name itself.

How it works Unlike other hacks, the point of ransomware isn’t to steal or destroy valuable data; it’s to hold it hostage.

Ransomware enters computer systems via email attachments, pop-up ads, outdated business applications and even corrupted USB sticks.

Even if one computer is initially infected, ransomware can easily spread network-wide via a LAN or by gaining access to username and passwords.

Once the malware activates, the hostage situation begins: Data is encrypted and the user is instructed to pay a ransom to regain control.

Ransomware Prevention

  1. Install Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware Software
  2. But Be Sure to Update & Patch Software/Operating Systems
  3. Invest In Enterprise Threat Detection Systems and Mail Server Filtering
  4. Educate Employees on Network Security

What to do if your data is held hostage? If attacked, should your company pay? Remember: Preventative measures are never 100% effective.

Paying the ransom might get you off the hook quickly, but will make you a repeat target for attack.

There’s a better way Beat the attackers to the punch by investing in Cloud Backups and Disaster Recovery as a Service.

Backups Daily Offsite Backups = You’ll Always Have Clean, Recent Copies of Your Data

Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery Solutions are crucial in the event Ransomware compromises your entire system. Here, you’ll be able to operate your business as usual via a redundant network and infrastructure. Sorry, Malware Ninjas.

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