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Participate in the CSA Top Threats to Cloud Computing 2025 peer review to help shape industry insights!
Dr. Liu Wenmao Headshot

Dr. Liu Wenmao

Director of Innovation Center

Dr. Liu is the Director of Innovation Center, and also the leader of XingYun Lab (Cloud Security) of NSFOCUS Inc. He received his Ph.D. in Information Security from the Harbin Institute of Technology in 2013. After completion of his degree, Dr. Liu served as a researcher at NSFOCUS Inc. During the first two years in NSFOCUS, he was also working at Tsinghua University as a postdoc. He works closely with academia, is a member of the China Computer Federation (CCF) council, and also the corporate mentor of several universities, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University, HIT and BUPT. His interests are focused on cloud security, IoT security, data-driven analytics and other new research areas of network security. He published a book titled “Software-Defined Security, in the Next Generation Inspired by SDN/NFV Technology” and has been participating in cloud security related national and industrial standards. He is currently promoting the adoption of cloud native security, edge computing and 5G security.