Cloud 101CircleEventsBlog
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CSA STAR Registry

Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry

Listings for Acer e-Enabling Data Center Inc.

Listings for Acer e-Enabling Data Center Inc.

Acer e-Enabling Data Center Inc. (Acer eDC) is a business unit of Acer Cyber Security Inc. The major business of Acer eDC includes various types of infrastructure operation services, ranging from data center collocation and managed hosting, outsourced IT-operation services such as network and system management, data backup & disaster recovery, IT-security services and cloud service.

Public Cloud IaaS Service (eDC Cloud)

Acer eDC provides some form of cloud service for customers in self-owned data center infrastructure, including public cloud service, TakenDR service and clou...

Listed Since: 2021-05-05

A technology-neutral certification leveraging the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27001 management system standard together with the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix.