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CSA STAR Registry

Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry

Listings for TechJutsu

Listings for TechJutsu

TechJutsu is a team of accomplished technical specialists offering the ability to transform or build an Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution and get the most out of Identity and Security. We offer a smooth set up, and easy transition to operations as our focus is on IAM. We have experience in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Single Sign-On (SSO), Lifecycle Management (LCM), Privileged Access Management (PAM), and Identity Governance. All of TechJutsu’s specialists are cross-trained in multiple areas of practice, enabling us to bring a holistic view of IAM to any project.

Caller Verify

Caller Verify extends Okta MFA to your Call Center or IT Help Desk, allowing you to quickly and securely verify callers and eliminate the use of annoying and...

Listed Since: 2024-12-06

CAIQ Lite simplifies cloud security for SMEs, with 124 questions and CCM Lite's 91 controls. It's a streamlined path to security transparency and STAR Registry compliance.