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CSA Official Press Release

Published 02/09/2022

USAA Chief Security Officer Jason Witty to Address Attendees at Cloud Security Alliance’s SECtember

USAA Chief Security Officer Jason Witty to Address Attendees at Cloud Security Alliance’s SECtember

Registration opens today for industry’s premier cloud event, where attendees can obtain the tools they need to manage cyber risk in the modern enterprise

SEATTLE – Feb. 9, 2022 – The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining standards, certifications and best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment, announced today that Jason Witty, chief security officer, USAA, will be a featured speaker at SECtember, the first global event dedicated to the intersection of cloud and cybersecurity.

The event, to be held Sept. 26-30 at the Meydenbauer Center (Bellevue, Wash.), will feature leaders from government, cloud, cybersecurity, and Global 2000 enterprises, who will share critical insights into board oversight of cybersecurity, CISO strategies, emerging threats, and best practices, all against the backdrop of cloud and related leading-edge technologies. Attendees will learn from both a main conference of industry thought leaders, as well as deep-dive training into Zero Trust, cloud auditing and advanced cloud security topics.

“SECtember 2022 is the essential industry conference to assist organizations in elevating their cybersecurity capabilities. Cyber risk is growing quickly in a world of pervasive computing, well-funded adversaries, and nation-state actors. SECtember provides a state-of-the-art perspective on the threat vectors and solutions for cybersecurity that now have a foundation of cloud computing,” said Jim Reavis, co-founder and CEO, Cloud Security Alliance. “We couldn’t be more excited, therefore, to welcome Jason Witty to the SECtember stage. His expertise has helped to shape modern cybersecurity tools and we look forward to benefiting from his security acumen.”

Jason Witty serves as USAA’s Senior Vice President and Chief Security Officer (CSO), accountable for information security, physical security, privacy, operational resiliency, crisis management, and corporate investigations across the firm. He is an award-winning Chief Information Officer (CIO)/Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and a certified Information Systems Security Management Professional (ISSMP) with more than 28 years of experience in technology and information risk management. Previously, he was the CIO of Cybersecurity & Technology Controls and Global CISO at J.P. Morgan Chase. Before that, he was the Executive Vice President and CISO at U.S. Bancorp. Earlier in his career, he served as the Senior Vice President and Cyber Threat Prevention Services Executive at Bank of America.

Throughout his career, Witty has also provided extensive industry leadership. He has led multiple classified and unclassified sector-wide initiatives to upgrade the security posture for U.S. Critical National Infrastructure, including overseeing creation of industrywide products for destructive malware best practices and utilization of clearances within the financial sector. He currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the National Technology Security Coalition (NTSC) and also served as the Chair of the Financial Services and Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) from 2014-2019. He previously served as the Sector Chief for Financial Services in FBI Chicago’s Infragard program.

SECtember is the conference to attend in 2022 to obtain the tools for managing cyber risk in the modern enterprise. Those interested in attending are encouraged to register now and take advantage of early registration pricing of $499 through June 10. Afterward, rates will increase to $699. The registration rate is $250 for students and government employees.

About Cloud Security Alliance
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining and raising awareness of best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. CSA harnesses the subject matter expertise of industry practitioners, associations, governments, and its corporate and individual members to offer cloud security-specific research, education, training, certification, events, and products. CSA's activities, knowledge, and extensive network benefit the entire community impacted by cloud — from providers and customers to governments, entrepreneurs, and the assurance industry — and provide a forum through which different parties can work together to create and maintain a trusted cloud ecosystem. For further information, visit us at, and follow us on Twitter @cloudsa.

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About Cloud Security Alliance

The Cloud Security Alliance is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and to provide education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other forms of computing. The Cloud Security Alliance is led by a broad coalition of industry practitioners, corporations, associations and other key stakeholders. For further information, follow us on Twitter @cloudsa.

For press inquiries, email Zenobia Godschalk of ZAG Communications or reach her by phone at 650.269.8315.