Constant Vigilance
Blog Published: 04/14/2011
By Jon Heimerl Constant Vigilance. Mad-Eye Moody puts it very well. Constant Vigilance.Unfortunately, these days we need constant vigilance to help protect ourselves and companies from peril. That is not to say that we can never relax and breathe. This is based on a key part of any decent cyber-...
Cloud Annexation
Blog Published: 04/12/2011
By Stephen R CarterThe Cloud is the next evolutionary step in the life of the Internet. From the experimental ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) to the Internet to the Web – and now to the Cloud, the evolution continues to advance international commerce and interaction on a grand...
Privileged Administrators and the Cloud: Who will Watch the Watchmen?
Blog Published: 04/01/2011
By Matthew GardinerOne of the key advantages of the cloud, whether public or private, flows from a well-known econometric concept known as “economies of scale.” The concept of economies of scale refers to an operation that to a point gets more efficient as it gets bigger – think electricity power...
Debunking the Top Three Cloud Security Myths
Blog Published: 03/30/2011
By Margaret DawsonThe “cloud” is one of the most discussed topics among IT professionals today, and organizations are increasingly exploring the potential benefits of using cloud computing or solutions for their businesses. It’s no surprise Gartner predicts that cloud computing will be a top prio...
What NetFlix Can Teach Us About Security in the Cloud
Blog Published: 03/29/2011
By Eric BaizeFor years, the security industry has been complacent, using complex concepts to keep security discussions isolated from mainstream IT infrastructure conversation. The cloud revolution is bringing an end to this security apartheid. The emergence of an integrated IT infrastructure sta...
[How to] Be Confident Storing Information in the Cloud
Blog Published: 03/29/2011
By Anil Chakravarthy and Deepak MohanOver the past few years, information explosion has inhibited organizations’ ability to effectively secure, manage and recover data. This complexity is only increasing as organizations try to manage the data growth by moving it to the cloud. It’s clear that sto...
Hey, You, Get off of My Cloud
Blog Published: 03/22/2011
By Allen AllisonThe emerging Public Cloud versus Private Cloud debate is not just about which solution is best. It extends to the very definition of cloud. I won’t pretend that my definitions of public cloud and private cloud match everybody elses, but I would like to begin by establishing my po...
Three Cloud-Computing Data Security Risks That Can’t be Overlooked
Blog Published: 03/21/2011
By Slavik Markovich, CTO of SentrigoThe move to Cloud Computing brings with it a number of attributes that require special consideration when it comes to securing data. And since in nearly every organization, their most sensitive data will be stored either directly in a relational database, or u...
Cloud Security: The Identity Factor
Blog Published: 03/10/2011
The Problem with Passwordsby Patrick Harding, CTO, Ping IdentityThe average enterprise employee uses 12 userid/password pairs for accessing the many applications required to perform his or her job (Osterman Research 2009). It is unreasonable to expect anyone to create, regularly change (also a p...
Navigating Cloud Application Security: Myths vs. Realities
Blog Published: 03/08/2011
Chris Wysopal, CTO, VeracodeDevelopers and IT departments are being told they need to move applications to the cloud and are often left on their own to navigate the challenges related to developing and managing the security of applications in those environments. Because no one should have to fly...
Trusted Client to Cloud Access
Blog Published: 03/02/2011
Cloud computing has become an integral part of all IT decision making today across industries and geographies. This market is growing at a rapid pace. By 2014, IDC expects public cloud spending to rise to $29.5 billion growing at 21.6 percent per year. At the same time, Forrester predicts the clo...
And the Thunder Rolls: All the Noise about Cloud and What that Means When Lightning Strikes
Blog Published: 02/23/2011
Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) continue to be driving factors for some organizations looking to move to cloud. Many are looking to manage their Disaster Recovery planning through extensive use of managed cloud services – and for good reasons. These are the most co...
Top Six Security Questions Every CIO Should Ask a Cloud Vendor
Blog Published: 02/23/2011
By Ian Huynh, Vice President of Engineering, Hubspan Cloud computing has become an integrated part of IT strategy for companies in every sector of our economy. By 2012, IDC predicts that IT spending on cloud services will grow almost threefold to $42 billion. So it’s no surprise that decision m...
Cloud Security Alliance unveils 2011 initiatives at CSA Summit at RSA
Press Release Published: 02/15/2011
Building on Two Years of Tremendous Work, CSA Continues to Lead Industry-Wide Efforts to Educate on Best Practices for Secure Cloud Computing San Francisco, Calif. – CSASummit at RSA – February 15, 2011 – At the CSA Summit at RSA yesterday, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) unveiled its 2011...
Cloud Security Alliance welcomes White House CIO Vivek Kundra as special guest keynote for CSA Summit at RSA
Press Release Published: 02/07/2011
Kundra to Unveil Vision for Federal Cloud Strategy at Highly Anticipated Event San Francisco, Calif. – CSASummit at RSA – February 7, 2011 – The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) today announced the addition of Vivek Kundra, US Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the White House, as a keynote speak...
Extend the Enterprise into the Cloud with Single Sign-On to Cloud-Based services
Blog Published: 02/01/2011
by Mark O’Neill, CTO, VordelIn this blog post we examine how Single Sign-On from the enterprise to Cloud-based services is enabled. Single Sign-On is a critical component for any organization wishing to leverage Cloud services. In fact, an organization accessing Cloud-based services without Singl...
Moving to a “Show Me” State – Gaining Control and Visibility in Cloud Services
Blog Published: 01/27/2011
Survey after survey, security and more specifically the lack of control and visibility around what is happening to your information on cloud provider premises, is listed as the number one barrier to cloud adoption.So far, there have been two approaches to solving the problem:1 – The “Trust Me” ap...
Building a Secure Future in the Cloud
Blog Published: 01/27/2011
By Mark BregmanExecutive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, SymantecCloud computing offers clear and powerful benefits to IT organizations of all sizes, but the path to cloud computing – please excuse the pun – is often cloudy.With cloud computing, IT resources can scale almost immediat...
Moving to the Cloud? Take Your Application Security With You
Blog Published: 01/27/2011
By Bill Pennington, Chief Strategy Officer, WhiteHat SecurityCloud computing is becoming a fundamental part of information technology. Nearly every enterprise is evaluating or deploying cloud solutions. Even as business managers turn to the cloud to reduce costs, streamline staff, and increase ef...
Neuroprivilogy: The New Frontier of Cyber Crime
Blog Published: 01/21/2011
By Shlomi Dinoor, vice president, emerging technologies, Cyber-Ark SoftwareIs your Neuroprivilogy vulnerable? The answer is most probably yes, you simply have no clue what Neuroprivilogy is (yet)…The first step of this discussion is defining a fancy term to help educate and describe this new phen...