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Access Controls that Move - The Power of Data Security Posture Management

Blog Published: 11/18/2022

Originally published by Sentra. Controlling access to data has always been one of the basics of cybersecurity hygiene. Managing this access has evolved from basic access control lists, to an entire Identity and Access Management industry. IAM controls are great at managing access to applicatio...

Modernize Your Security Architecture with SASE

Blog Published: 11/17/2022

Written by S Sreekumar, VP and Global Practice Head, Infra & Cloud Security, Cybersecurity & GRC Services, HCLTech and Nicole Scheffler, Director of SASE Solutions, Palo Alto Networks. Hybrid and remote working are now the norm, making it critical for organizations to provide secure a...

Change These 7 Security Settings After Creating a New AWS Account

Blog Published: 11/17/2022

Originally published by Varonis. Written by Shane Waterford, Varonis. If you’ve just created your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account and are worried about AWS data security, you have a valid reason — unknown organization-wide settings or simple misconfigurations could put your data at risk of expo...

SANS 2022 Cloud Security Survey, Chapter 1: How Security Questions Are Affecting Cloud Usage Patterns

Blog Published: 11/17/2022

Originally published by Gigamon. Written by Chris Borales, Gigamon. Editor’s note: This post explores Chapter 1 of the SANS 2022 Cloud Security Survey.More and more enterprises have been migrating data and compute power to the cloud — but security woes have followed them there. Over the past seve...

5 Steps to Stop the Latest OpenSSL Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-3602, CVE-2022-3786

Blog Published: 11/16/2022

Originally published by Sysdig. Written by Michael Clark, Sysdig. The OpenSSL Project team announced two HIGH severity vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-3602, CVE-2022-3786) on Oct. 25, which affect all OpenSSL v3 versions up to 3.0.6. These vulnerabilities are remediated in version 3.0.7, which was rele...

The Anatomy of Wiper Malware, Part 4: Less Common “Helper” Techniques

Blog Published: 11/16/2022

Originally published by CrowdStrike. Written by Ioan Iacob and Iulian Madalin Ionita, CrowdStrike. In Part 3, a leading Endpoint Protection Content Research Team covered the finer points of Input/Output Control (IOCTL) usage by various wipers. The fourth and final part of the wiper series covers...

Mastodon - User Discovery and Verification via Email, the Easy Way

Blog Published: 11/15/2022

This is going to be a short blog entry because it’s simple: Mastodon is fantastic, but discovering and verifying users is a pain (as with most social networks). The best solution most people have landed on is scraping their Twitter account followers/following for profiles with Mastodon IDs like @...

Zscaler Debuts Zero Trust Certified Architect (ZTCA) Program to Address IT and SecOps Skills Gap

Blog Published: 11/15/2022

Originally published by Zscaler. Written by Jay Chaudhry, CEO and Founder, Zscaler. An increase in large-scale cyber attacks has driven widespread interest for organizations to migrate to a Zero Trust architecture. A Zero Trust architecture is a new, clean architectural paradigm - one that is bui...

Data Center Resilience and Risk Assessment

Blog Published: 11/15/2022

Originally published by ShardSecure. Written by Marc Blackmer, VP of Marketing, ShardSecure. What is data resilience? A multifaceted endeavor, data resilience can include data integrity and availability, cluster storage, regular testing, disaster recovery, redundancy, backups, and more. As TA...

Uber Cybersecurity Incident: Which Logs Do IR Teams Need to Focus On?

Blog Published: 11/15/2022

Originally published by Mitiga. Written by Or Aspir, Mitiga. On September the 16th, Uber announced they experienced a major breach in their organization in which malicious actor was able to log in and take over multiple services and internal tools used at Uber.In this incident, the attacker annou...

From Dynamite to Quantum Entanglement

Blog Published: 11/15/2022

Originally published by Entrust. Written by Greg Wetmore, Entrust. When you think of “entanglement” what comes to mind? Knotty problems? Sticky situations? If you’re like me…and the committee that awards the Nobel Prize in Physics... you think of all that and quantum mechanics – and the science b...

What is ERP Security?

Blog Published: 11/14/2022

Originally published by Onapsis on October 6, 2022. This month marks CISA’s 19th Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a joint effort between the government and public to raise awareness of the importance of cybersecurity. This year's theme, "See Yourself in Cyber," demonstrates that while cybersecurity...

Altruism in Information Security? (Part 1 of 3)

Blog Published: 11/14/2022

Originally published by Tentacle. Written by Matt Combs, Tentacle. Altruism and Information Security; two terms not commonly used together - the first term not often used to describe the foundational philosophy of the latter. Altruism is ideological; a desired state of the ultimate do-gooder who...

Security Scope and the Threat Continuum. What CISOs Need to Know.

Blog Published: 11/14/2022

Originally published by Netography. Written by Martin Roesch, Netography. The pandemic kicked off a rapid evolution of networks that have now become composites of multi-cloud, hybrid-cloud, and on-prem infrastructure with mobile and remote workers accessing data and applications scattered across ...

Top Threat #8 to Cloud Computing: Accidental Cloud Data Disclosure

Blog Published: 11/13/2022

Written by the CSA Top Threats Working Group. The CSA Top Threats to Cloud Computing Pandemic Eleven report aims to raise awareness of threats, vulnerabilities, and risks in the cloud. The latest report highlights the Pandemic Eleven top threats, in which the pandemic and the complexity of worklo...

SaaS Security Use Case Series: SaaS-to-SaaS Access

Blog Published: 11/10/2022

Originally published by Adaptive Shield. Written by Eliana Vuijsje, Adaptive Shield. It's no secret that SaaS-to-SaaS apps can boost productivity, enable remote and hybrid work and are overall, essential in building and scaling a company's work processes.It's an innocuous process much like clicki...

Defining Cyber Immunity

Blog Published: 11/10/2022

Written by Arti Raman, CEO and Founder of Titaniam. Biologically, a virus is something that inserts itself into the body of a living thing and replicates itself to infect its host. Technology can also be exposed to viruses – codes that replicate themselves with the ultimate goal to destroy da...

Is 3D Secure 2.0 Required in the US?

Blog Published: 11/09/2022

Originally published by TokenEx. Written by Anni Burchfiel, TokenEx. Quick Hits: 3D Secure is a security protocol that requires an extra layer of authentication for online payments.3D Secure connects the three parties involved in a transaction (the card issuer, the acquirer, and the payment syste...

How Cybersecurity Asset Management Helps Amid Economic Uncertainty

Blog Published: 11/09/2022

Originally published by Axonius. Written by Kathleen Ohlson, Axonius. Trying to understand, manage and protect the disparate parts that make up an IT infrastructure can be one of the biggest challenges — and headaches — for IT and cybersecurity professionals. With today’s increased economic uncer...

The Anatomy of Wiper Malware, Part 3: Input/Output Controls

Blog Published: 11/09/2022

Originally published by CrowdStrike. Written by Ioan Iacob and Iulian Madalin Ionita, CrowdStrike. In Part 1 of this four-part blog series examining wiper malware, an Endpoint Protection Content Research Team introduced the topic of wipers, reviewed their recent history and presented common adver...

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