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166 Cybersecurity Statistics and Trends

Blog Published: 07/29/2022

Originally published by Varonis here. Written by Rob Sobers, Varonis. Cybersecurity is a day-to-day operation for many businesses. A lack of data protection, side effects of a global pandemic, and an increase in exploit sophistication have led to a huge incline in hacked and breached data from ...

Using the CSA STAR Program for Procurement

Blog Published: 07/29/2022

This blog was originally published by PivotPoint Security here.Among cloud service categories, Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings are not only the most numerous—up to a million providers worldwide—but also arguably the weakest on security. While infrastructure and platform providers are more ...

Should You Outsource or Manage Security In-House?

Blog Published: 07/29/2022

This blog was originally published by LogicHub here.Written by Willy Leichter, Chief Marketing Officer, LogicHub.Cybersecurity professionals Colin Henderson and Ray Espinoza share their take on in-house versus outsourced threat detection and response.Your in-house team has the context necessary t...

Can You See Me Now? Time to Shine a Light on the Huge Security Risk Posed by Your Shadow Data.

Blog Published: 07/28/2022

Originally published by Laminar here. Written by Karen Sung, Laminar. Shadow data is the largest threat to your data security that you don’t even know about. There is nothing that is growing faster in the cloud than data.It only takes one developer to leave an S3 bucket with user data open or lea...

Why Penetration Testing Is the First Step to Better Prepare for Hacks

Blog Published: 07/28/2022

Originally published by A-LIGN here. Written by Joseph Cortese, Technical Knowledge Leader and Research and Development Director, A-LIGN. The threat landscape is in a constant state of evolution. What may have been a best practice a year ago to help protect your organization against cyber threa...

The 5 Faces of Development Risk

Blog Published: 07/28/2022

Written by Tony Karam, Strategic Marketing Leader, Concourse Labs.Which of these development risks do you recognize?Delivering cloud-native applications, quickly, is an existential requirement for most businesses. Security, Risk Management, and DevSecOps leaders are tasked with ensuring cloud mis...

What Is an Acceptable Risk for Online Payments?

Blog Published: 07/27/2022

This blog was originally published by TokenEx here.Written by Valerie Hare, Content Marketing Specialist, TokenEx.If your business handles online payments, there are risks associated with this. These risks include everything from chargebacks and fraud to data breaches and payment declines. With m...

C-SCRM and the C-Suite: Securing Executive Buy-In for Supply Chain Risk Management

Blog Published: 07/27/2022

This blog was originally published by CXO REvolutionaries here.Written by Brad Moldenhauer, CISO, Americas, ZScaler.Unfortunately, it's not enough for today's IT leaders to concern themselves with the security of their own organizations. Complex and convoluted supply chains have seized their atte...

What is CSA STAR Certification and Why it is Important for ISO/IEC 27001 Certified Organizations?

Blog Published: 07/27/2022

This blog was originally published by MSECB here. What is CSA STAR Certification? Building security and data protection into the DNA of an organization’s management system and operations is very important considering the intensive use of cloud computing by all organizations nowadays. CSA STAR...

Securely Enable Multi-Cloud Architecture for a Future-Ready Workplace

Blog Published: 07/26/2022

This blog was originally published by HCL Technologies here. Written by Magnus Hultman, Sales Director, Cybersecurity & GRC Services, HCL Technologies. The adoption of new technologies has invariably accelerated the digital transformation of businesses and their ways of working. With const...

Will the Cloud Kill Security Agents?

Blog Published: 07/26/2022

This blog was originally published by Sysdig here. Written by Anna Belak, Sysdig. The “agents or no agents” debate is ancient and eternal. Every decade or so, we go through another round of “agents are terrible, let’s end them” and “we need more visibility and control to secure the system, maybe ...

Hunting a Global Telecommunications Threat: DecisiveArchitect and Its Custom Implant JustForFun

Blog Published: 07/26/2022

This blog was originally published by CrowdStrike on May 25, 2022. Written by Jamie Harries, CrowdStrike. The security landscape is constantly developing to provide easier ways to establish endpoint visibility across networks through the use of endpoint detection and response (EDR) utilities. How...

Lessons Learned from Scanning Over 10,000 Kubernetes Clusters

Blog Published: 07/25/2022

This blog was originally published by ARMO here. Written by Jonathan Kaftzan, VP Marketing & Business Development, ARMO. With Kubernetes adoption continuing to rise, we've seen multiple studies add to the growing body of research for enterprise K8s deployments this past year. Companies levera...

9 Questions You Should Ask About Your Cloud Security

Blog Published: 07/25/2022

Originally published on Fugue’s blog on May 13, 2022. Written by Josh Stella, Chief Architect, Snyk and Co Founder, Fugue. In order for business leaders and cybersecurity professionals to gain the knowledge they need to thwart the hackers constantly targeting their cloud infrastructure and ap...

Security Tools Need to Get with the API Program

Blog Published: 07/25/2022

This blog was originally published by LogicHub here. Written by Willy Leichter, Chief Marketing Officer, LogicHub. No cloud API is an island The evolution of cloud services has coincided with the development of advanced Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow developers to link clo...

CCSK Success Stories: From the Head of Digital Architecture

Blog Published: 07/23/2022

This is part of a blog series interviewing cybersecurity professionals who have earned their Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK). In these blogs we invite individuals to share some of the challenges they face in managing security for cloud computing and how they were able to leverage k...

A Technical Primer in Detection Engineering

Blog Published: 07/22/2022

This blog was originally published by Panther here. Written by Mark Stone, Panther. Tools that an organization can use to detect threats are no longer a nice-to-have. Businesses are moving to the cloud, and the threat landscape is evolving and increasing in complexity. Today, threat detection is ...

How to Protect Data in AWS S3

Blog Published: 07/22/2022

This blog was originally published by BigID here. Written by Dimitri Sirota, BigID. S3 object store has become a popular foundation for storing unstructured documents and mixed file types with elastic scale. However, like with any wide and deep data lake, it creates unique data security challenge...

Threat Activity Cluster #5: Pistachio

Blog Published: 07/22/2022

This blog was originally published by Alert Logic here. Written by Josh Davies and Gareth Protheroe, Alert Logic. The ice cream blog series continues by documenting another activity cluster first observed in our dataset in 2019. This threat cluster has been well documented in the security communi...

Cloud Data Protection

Blog Published: 07/21/2022

Written by Luigi Belvivere, Elena Minghelli, and Sara Frati of NTT DATA. IntroductionIn the digital era and its digital transition, business and institutions have clearly understood that a robust cloud security is essential. It is well known that security threats evolve in parallel with the evolu...

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