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Publication Peer Review

AI Legal and Regulatory Landscape
AI Legal and Regulatory Landscape

AI Legal and Regulatory Landscape

Open Until: 04/06/2024

This paper provides an overview of the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding AI and  Generative AI. It highlights the challenges of navigating this complex and dynamic landscape due to the diverse applications of GenAI and the slow adaptation of existing regulations.

The paper aims to equip organizations with the knowledge they need to understand their current standing and navigate the ever-changing requirements for responsible and compliant GenAI use. It explores a selection of existing regulations, considerations for the future, and best practices for developing responsible AI across national, regional, and international levels.

This section of the AI Governance Document provides a high-level overview of the current legal and regulatory landscape for Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Generative AI (GenAI). While not exhaustive, it serves as a starting point for organizations to understand their current position and identify key considerations for navigating the evolving requirements of responsible and compliant GenAI use.

Due to the ongoing advancements in the technology itself and the evolving legal and policy landscape, providing a complete overview is challenging. Therefore, we recommend utilizing this information as a foundation and staying informed about new regulations at national, governmental, industry, and regional levels

Peer review period has ended.