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How Cybersecurity Certification can Foster the EU Cybersecurity Market - Dr. Udo Helmbrecht
Release Date: 11/21/2019
Organisations, manufacturers or providers involved in the
design and development of ICT products, ICT services or ICT
processes should be encouraged to implement measures at
the earliest stages of design and development to protect the
security of those products, services and processes to the
highest possible degree, in such a way that the occurrence of
cyberattacks is presumed and their impact is anticipated and
minimised (‘security-by-design’). Security should be ensured
throughout the lifetime of the ICT product, ICT service or ICT
process by design and development processes that
constantly evolve to reduce the risk of harm from malicious
design and development of ICT products, ICT services or ICT
processes should be encouraged to implement measures at
the earliest stages of design and development to protect the
security of those products, services and processes to the
highest possible degree, in such a way that the occurrence of
cyberattacks is presumed and their impact is anticipated and
minimised (‘security-by-design’). Security should be ensured
throughout the lifetime of the ICT product, ICT service or ICT
process by design and development processes that
constantly evolve to reduce the risk of harm from malicious
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