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CSA Official Press Release

Published 10/31/2012

EMEA Congress Recap

EMEA Congress Recap

The inaugural EMEA Congress in Amsterdam was an unqualified success, with hundreds of security visionaries in attendance and featuring presentations from some of the leading voices from across the cloud security landscape. What follows are just a sample of the discussions and some of the key takeaways from the two-day event:

EMEA Congress Presenters

  • Monica Josi, Microsoft’s Chief Security Adviser EMEA presented on Microsoft’s compliance strategy, emphasizing the importance of a common mapping strategy to define compliance standards. Microsoft has mapped over 600 controls and 1500 audit obligations onto the ISO27001 framework and are using CSA’s CCM and ISO27001 to certify their Dynamic CRM, Azure and Office365 platforms. They have also published all relevant documentation on the CSA’s STAR repository.
  • Chad Woolf, Global Risk and Compliance Leader for Amazon Web Services highlighted the difference between security IN the cloud as opposed to security OF the cloud. According to Chad, security IN the cloud presents a much greater risk and discussed some of the different assurance mechanisms provided by AWS.
  • Data security and privacy expert Stewart Room provided an update on some of the more pressing legal issues facing cloud security, including a plea for more realistic legislation (e.g. subcontractor recommendations of Art 29 WP)
  • Mark O’Neill, CTO for Vordel gave an update on IDM standards, including oAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect and how they fit into the cloud ecosystem. oAuth 2.0 is now a stable standard which can be used to give granular, revocable access control. It is lighter than SAML and therefore more suitable for mobile/REST scenarios.
  • Phil Dunkelberger made an impassioned call to arms for the industry to create a standard authentication protocol which would allow for the integration of appropriate authentication mechanisms into diverse services.
  • Jean-François Audenard, Cloud Security Advisor, for Orange Business Services presented their Secure Development Lifecycle that covers security and legal obligations, mitigation plans, security reviews and on-going operational security and the roles of their security Advisors, Architects and Managers in the lifecycle.

Panel Discussion Takeaways:

  • While Gartner has some 26 definitions for Cloud, according to Bruce Schneier it can be boiled down to the fact that it’s simply your data on somebody else’s hard disk that you access over the Internet!
  • Cloud provider specialization and reputation means better security in many respects. As to the question of what can be more difficult in the cloud, forensics is a major issue (e.g., ‘freezing the crime scene’, confiscation of hardware, etc)
  • As a customer, there is a lot you can and should do to monitor the cloud service provider (either independently and/or via executive dashboards). This also allows you to establish trust in smaller companies with less history.
  • Internal IT teams are not redundant . There are lots of security-related tasks still need to be taken care of. This is especially true for IaaS providers ( e.g. credential management ). The cloud provides opportunities for many of these individuals to perform higher value tasks (i.e., security training of staff, service monitoring, etc).
  • Business is consuming technology quicker than IT can provide it; as a result more internal business users are utilising external third party and cloud vendors to process their information. For example, MARS Information Services is using a modified version of ISO27001 (ISO++) and the CSA’s CCM to risk assess their third party vendors. As engagement move from Iaas to Paas and SaaS the level of risks increase as the controls are given to the service provider.
  • Historically, organizations have been largely concerned with securing the network, not the information that resides on it. We need to now protect information based on the risk associated with the compromise of that data. As such, a risk based approach to security requires data to be “high level” classified.
  • Once data has migrated to the Cloud, access and authentication becomes key. Authentication is currently taken for granted (passport, room key, ID badge, airline ticket, cards), except online where credentials are often re-used. If they are compromised, all systems using those credentials are vulnerable.
  • As data moves to the Cloud, there will situations that will require the data to be recovered, in a forensically sound way. The use of multi-tenant environments across multi-jurisdictions introduces numerous e-disclose and chain of custody challenges that are yet to be solved.

“Great conference with a number of speakers that really provided up to date, timely and in-depth information” - Peter Demmink, Merck / MSD

“The CSA delivered an excellent intro to all the aspects of cloud security and compliance” - Albert Brouwer, AEGON

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About Cloud Security Alliance

The Cloud Security Alliance is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and to provide education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other forms of computing. The Cloud Security Alliance is led by a broad coalition of industry practitioners, corporations, associations and other key stakeholders. For further information, follow us on Twitter @cloudsa.

For press inquiries, email Zenobia Godschalk of ZAG Communications or reach her by phone at 650.269.8315.