CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for Adobe
Founded in 1982, Adobe Incorporated (“Adobe”) is one of the largest and most diversified software companies in the world. Adobe offers a line of products and services to consumers for creating, managing, delivering, measuring, optimizing, and engaging with compelling content and experiences across multiple operating systems, devices and media. Adobe continues to market and license a broad portfolio of products and solutions in digital media, digital marketing, and content and document management.
Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise
Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise is a cloud-based offering which allows enterprise customers the ability to create and collaborate efficiently with connec...
Listed Since: 2020-07-21
Adobe Document Cloud (Acrobat Sign, Acrobat and PDF Services API)
Adobe Document Cloud is a complete portfolio of secure digital document solutions that speeds business and drives better customer experiences by making manua...
Listed Since: 2020-07-21
Adobe Experience Cloud
The Experience Cloud is a suite of digital marketing solutions generally categorized into the Marketing Cloud, Analytics Cloud and Advertising Cloud. The Exp...
Listed Since: 2020-07-21
Adobe Learning Manager (ex-Captivate Prime)
Adobe Learning Manager is a cloud hosted Learning Management System that allows enterprise Learning and Development teams to drive personalized learning expe...
Listed Since: 2023-01-21
Adobe Managed Services (Adobe Connect and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM))
Adobe Managed Services is a solutions management and issue resolution service provided by Adobe. Adobe Managed Services enables businesses and consumers to d...
Listed Since: 2020-07-21