CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for Agfa Gevaert S.p.A.
At Agfa HealthCare, we are transforming the delivery of care – supporting healthcare professionals across the globe with secure, effective, and sustainable imaging data management. Focused on our robust and unified Enterprise Imaging Platform we help our clients manage resource allocation, improve productivity and provide clinical confidence with patient-centric contextual intelligence. The technology speeds diagnoses to drive an improved patient experience. With our core commitment on delivering value, the technology suits multi-specialty requirements and securely standardizes workflows, to collaborate seamlessly between departments and across geographies. From product development to implementation, our best-of-suite Imaging IT software solutions are purpose-built to reduce complexity and support healthcare providers to achieve their clinical, operational and business strategies.
Enterprise Imaging Platform
With Enterprise Imaging, you have a single, comprehensive patient imaging record across the entire enterprise. It speeds up image acquisition, sharing and re...
Listed Since: 2022-01-13