CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for Airsquire Pte. Ltd.
Airsquire Airsquire believes in a future of virtual construction job sites. We are building the simplest and most cost-effective 360° virtual sites platform in the world. We were founded in 2017 and have since established trusted client partnerships with top AEC firms in Asia and Europe. AirGo 360° Virtual Sites Airsquire 360° Virtual Sites helps capture, visualise & share construction site’s “360° street view” simply and quickly. Our platform has helped top main contractors and owners/developers extend progress supervision, enable faster site documentation & progress claims, and organise extensive 360° photo evidence to reduce costly variation orders & disputes.
AirGo 360° Virtual Sites
Airsquire 360° Virtual Sites helps capture, visualise & share construction site’s “360° street view” simply and quickly. Our platform has helped top main...
Listed Since: 2022-11-17