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CSA STAR Registry

Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry

Listings for Chorally

Listings for Chorally

Chorally is an Italian company offering a SaaS solution allowing customers to: Manage all digital & social channels Listening Web & Social Networks With Chorally is possible to create custom Inboxes for any digital source, sophisticated workflows, granular routings with machine learning; everything it takes to offer a great customer experience. Sources available : Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Whatsapp Business, Telegram, Instagram, Linkedin, Email, IOS Reviews, Android Reviews, Trustpilot, Internal Chat


Chorally is an italian company providing a SaaS solution to: Manage all digital & social channels Web & Social Listening With Chorally is possible...

Listed Since: 2020-06-23

Offers an industry-accepted way to document what security controls exist in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services. It provides a set of Yes/No questions a cloud consumer and cloud auditor may wish to ask of a cloud provider to ascertain their compliance to the Cloud Controls Matrix .