CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for Dreamdata.io ApS
Dreamdata is a revenue attribution platform, specifically designed for B2B companies. Dreamdata automatically extracts, cleans and simplifies your B2B go-to-market data to provide complete transparency on what’s driving your revenue.
Dreamdata Revenue Attribution Platform
Dreamdata is a revenue attribution platform, specifically designed for B2B companies. Dreamdata automatically extracts, cleans and simplifies your B2B go-to-...
Listed Since: 2023-09-26
Offers an industry-accepted way to document what security controls
exist in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services. It provides a set of Yes/No
questions a cloud consumer and cloud auditor may wish to ask of
a cloud provider to ascertain their compliance to the Cloud Controls Matrix .