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STAR Registry Listing for


Founded in 2013 by the Cloud Security Alliance, the Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR) registry encompasses key principles of transparency, rigorous auditing, and cloud security and privacy best practices.


Concilium è la piattaforma che accompagna le Amministrazioni Pubbliche nella semplificazione di tutte le fasi del processo assembleare dei propri Organi collegiali permettendo lo svolgimento in videoconferenza con modalità completamente remota o mista delle sedute delle giunte e dei consigli comunali, degli organi di governo di province e città metropolitane, dei consigli e delle giunte regionali. Concilium garantisce la partecipazione e il voto elettronico da remoto.

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Information about Concilium
Listed Since: 11/17/2020
Last Updated: 11/17/2020

STAR Level 1

Self-Assessment & Partner-Provided

Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire v3.1

CAIQ 3.1 Self-assessment
Offers an industry-accepted way to document what security controls exist in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services. It provides a set of Yes/No questions a cloud consumer and cloud auditor may wish to ask of a cloud provider to ascertain their compliance to the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM).
Deprecated assessments do not necessarily indicate non-compliance. In this case, the self-assessment has not been updated in more than one year. We suggest contacting this organization directly to request that they submit an updated self-assessment.