CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for GoCanvas
GoCanvas (previously known as Canvas) is a United States-based technology company that provides mobile apps and forms for data collection and sharing. GoCanvas services provide mobile and tablet interfaces for filling out forms or collecting other data, which is then stored online, through a cloud model. Apps offered by the company allow businesses to decrease paper usage. MyCanvas is a service that allows access to data created by paid accounts, allowing, for example, a customer to review records they have submitted to a GoCanvas user. GoCanvas allows users to customize their apps and can include GPS location capture, photos, signature capture, and reference data. Data can be exported in a comma-separated values spreadsheet, .XML, through API integrations or a pdf.
GoCanvas (previously known as Canvas) is a United States-based technology company which provides mobile apps and forms for data collection and sharing. The c...
Listed Since: 2020-11-12