CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for laBconsulenze S.r.l.
The Company laBconsulenze s.r.l. has its registered office in Rome, via Angelo Brunetti, 60. It supports Local Authorities (Municipalities, Provinces, etc.) in the management of their activities, with particular reference to the Municipal Police Commands to which it offers a modular and innovative service for the management of the sanctioning process for violations of the Highway Code and administrative violations other than those of the Highway Code. The Company is ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certified.
Bet@POL is the software developed by laBconsulenze for the management of the violation of the Highway Code. Bet@POL is accessible via the web, by accessing t...
Listed Since: 2021-01-21
CODICE is a web platform for the management and monitoring of the entire management process of the sanctioning cycle of violations of the Highway Code and wh...
Listed Since: 2021-02-05
Pass is a web platform for managing access in complete safety, in closed rooms and open spaces. It can be used in public offices, museums, free beaches, park...
Listed Since: 2021-02-05