CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for LambdaTest Inc
LambdaTest, a leading end-to-end cloud-based test orchestration platform which is used by over 1 million developers and testers globally. With over 3000+ combinations of real browsers, mobile devices, operating systems, we help testers to perform cross-browser and cross platform compatibility testing at scale with blazing fast speed. You can also run your tests on containers at scale and we also support on-prem or on a private cloud deployment model. Our customers are from Fortune 500 & G2000 companies and they care about experience. Our vision envisions an integrated platform where professionals can rely to perform and manage all types of tests without being limited by infrastructure dependency. So people could focus on things that matter the most, i.e. their tests.
LambdaTest Inc
LambdaTest, a leading end-to-end cloud-based test orchestration platform which is used by over 1 million developers and testers globally. With over 3000+ co...
Listed Since: 2022-05-03