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Listings for MediaTouch 2000 srl

Listings for MediaTouch 2000 srl

MediaTouch 200 srl has been dealing with training technologies for over twenty years and propose “solutions for learning“. Since 2004 MediaTouch 200 srl is a certified Partner for Italy of the largest open source online training environment: Moodle. With Moodle we have conducted and continue to successfully develop numerous and complex educational and organizational projects for some of the most important Italian and international companies and institutions. Since 2014 we have become Totara Partner, expanding our proactivity on the corporate sector. As Platinum Alliance Totara Partner we are able to combine our many years of Moodle expertise with a tool designed to meet the needs of enterprise-type training management. Mission: We offer simple and functional technological solutions for the goal, be it formative, informative or communicative, designed to always improve together. Vision: We create human relationships, even before being professional, between individuals and micro-reality to work together on equal terms, always and only in a win-win perspective. Certifications: Since 2005 we are certified ISO9001 EA 33 and EA 37 for the design and development of products and services for information technology applied to multimedia communication and distance and classroom training, with certificate number IT230471, issued to Bureau Veritas.

Moodle & Totara SaaS

Thanks to our highly narrowed down infrastructures, we are able to provide specialized “white label” services to customers of all types and sizes. Our clien...

Listed Since: 2021-06-15

Offers an industry-accepted way to document what security controls exist in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services. It provides a set of Yes/No questions a cloud consumer and cloud auditor may wish to ask of a cloud provider to ascertain their compliance to the Cloud Controls Matrix .