CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for Netskope
Netskope™, the leading cloud access security broker (CASB), helps enterprises find, understand and secure sanctioned and unsanctioned cloud apps. Through contextual awareness and a multi-mode architecture, Netskope sees the cloud differently. This results in the deepest visibility and control, the most advanced threat protection and data loss prevention and an unmatched breadth of security policies and workflows. The world’s largest companies choose Netskope, the only CASB that ensures compliant use of cloud apps in real-time, whether accessed on the corporate network, remotely or from a mobile device. With Netskope, enterprises move fast, with confidence. To learn more, visit our website.

Netskope Cloud Security Services Platform
The industry's only SaaS, IaaS, and web security platform built from the start in one cloud. Unlike other tools, Netskope eliminates policy conflict through ...
Listed Since: 2016-04-08