CSA STAR Registry
Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry
Listings for PA Digitale Adriatica s.r.l.
PA Digitale Adriatica was born in 2010 with the purpose to offer, commercialize, service, assist and create software solution for the public administration. It offers services of consultuing , information tecnology formation, developing high quality product and innovative services that grant software solution in line with the tecnology evolution. Through information tecnology and web consulting and support, it helps the istituion creating special objective and purpose expecialy created for the administrative activity life cycle. This objective grant the reach of the goal with performance, economy, clarity and democratically with the erogation of public services and with the develop of administrative procedure.
PA Digitale Adriatica was born in 2010 with the purpose to offer, commercialize, service, assist and create software solution for the public administration. ...
Listed Since: 2020-05-11