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CSA STAR Registry

Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry

Listings for Reify Health, Inc

Listings for Reify Health, Inc

Reify Health specializes in serving sponsor and site clients operating in the clinical trial space, with a strong emphasis on patient recruitment. Our core offering is StudyTeam, a cutting-edge cloud-based clinical trial software platform designed to improve the patient recruitment processes. StudyTeam is offered in two distinct products: StudyTeam for Sponsors and StudyTeam for Sites. Clinical research sites utilize the StudyTeam for Sites application to collect patient pre-screening, visit, and demographic data, effectively managing their patient enrollment process. The StudyTeam Site application then securely communicates de-identified enrollment metrics to the StudyTeam Sponsor application via internal ReifyHealth cloud-based systems, granting sponsors visibility into de-identified pre-screening and enrollment metrics within the StudyTeam for Sponsor application. This facilitates sponsors' understanding of the overall performance of clinical sites and enables them to track patient progress from the "patient identified" stage through pre-screening to the enrollment stage. It is also worth noting, that Patients will not have access to either application. Another offering is Referral Partner Interface. Referral Partner Interface is used in combination with StudyTeam to aid clinical trial recruitment by seamlessly routing referrals directly to StudyTeam, easing the site burden and reducing potential 'lost patient referrals'. Referral Partner Interface can integrate with multi


StudyTeam™ is a cloud-based system that gives clinical trial sponsors new data and insights that help them more proactively manage their sites’ enrollment pe...

Listed Since: 2024-02-05


Offers an industry-accepted way to document what security controls exist in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services. It provides a set of Yes/No questions a cloud consumer and cloud auditor may wish to ask of a cloud provider to ascertain their compliance to the Cloud Controls Matrix .