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STAR Registry Listing for

Hybrid Cloud Platform

Founded in 2013 by the Cloud Security Alliance, the Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR) registry encompasses key principles of transparency, rigorous auditing, and cloud security and privacy best practices.

Hybrid Cloud Platform Logo

Hybrid Cloud Platform

Samsung SDS offers Hybrid Cloud service to the customers by integrating the SDS Cloud, a private cloud optimized for enterprises, and multiple public clouds provided by Global CSPs. Hybrid Cloud Platform is also provided to develop, operate and manage all the clouds.

■ Integrated governance of hybrid cloud: GOV (Global One View)

■ Automated migration between different clouds: MMP (Multi-cloud Migration Platform)

■ Integrated monitoring of hybrid cloud: IMP (Intelligent Monitoring Platform)

■ Automated deployment from infrastructure to applications: SRE (Site Reliable Engineering)

The company have tried to give cloud tenants various benefits such as reducing system installation time, optimizing develop and operation cost and Reducing failure recovery time through their cloud services.

Information about Hybrid Cloud Platform
Listed Since: 12/28/2020
Last Updated: 01/05/2021

STAR Level 2

Third-Party Audit

Organizations looking for a third-party audit can choose from one or more of the security and privacy audits and certifications.

Cloud Controls Matrix v3.0.1

STAR Certification
A technology-neutral certification leveraging the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27001 management system standard together with the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM).
Deprecated assessments do not necessarily indicate non-compliance. In this case, the self-assessment has not been updated in more than one year. We suggest contacting this organization directly to request that they submit an updated self-assessment.