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STAR Registry Listing for


Founded in 2013 by the Cloud Security Alliance, the Security Trust Assurance and Risk (STAR) registry encompasses key principles of transparency, rigorous auditing, and cloud security and privacy best practices.


Our modern technological solutions support digital business processes and offer a wide range of tools to build operation continuity plans. This includes deployment of Disaster Recovery Centers – backup data processing centers in case of breakdowns. We specialize in cost optimization, monitoring, and maintenance of cloud IT infrastructure.

Oferujemy narzędzia umożliwiające budowanie planów ciągłości działania. Wdrażamy zapasowe środowiska przetwarzania danych na wypadek awarii (Disaster Recovery Center). Specjalizujemy się w optymalizacji kosztów infrastruktury IT w chmurze, jej monitoringu i utrzymaniu.

Information about Oktawave
Listed Since: 09/14/2016
Last Updated: 11/21/2022

STAR Level 2

Third-Party Audit

Organizations looking for a third-party audit can choose from one or more of the security and privacy audits and certifications.

Cloud Controls Matrix v3.0.1

STAR Certification
A technology-neutral certification leveraging the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27001 management system standard together with the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM).