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CSA STAR Registry

Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry

Listings for WAAB SRL

Listings for WAAB SRL

The company created its foundations in 2011, initially the core business was based on the creation and management of websites, planning and management of Web Marketing campaigns and in the e-commerce sector, in fact the term WAAB stands for Web Agency Adverising and Branding. Over the years we have developed numerous activities in the digital field, such as the development of mobile apps and advertising campaigns aimed at social networks. Subsequently, we entered the field of business management systems, using the programming experiences collected over time we have combined with the experience accumulated in the development of management systems, creating management systems in the Cloud addressing the needs of companies wanting to use simple and effective systems, without having the obligation to keep noisy and bulky infrastructures and furthermore being forced to carry out long installations or accidental data loss. We offer products that are easy to use, customizable, powerful and with an innovative appearance. At the same time, we also provide prompt and constant support. Our business card are the projects carried out, always with professionalism, maximum attention to detail and adapting to the specific needs of our customers.

WAAB Privacy PA

WAAB Privacy PA, with hundreds of thousands of servers in operation, is one of the largest data center operators in Europe. Since its founding in 1997, Hetzn...

Listed Since: 2022-03-04

Offers an industry-accepted way to document what security controls exist in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services. It provides a set of Yes/No questions a cloud consumer and cloud auditor may wish to ask of a cloud provider to ascertain their compliance to the Cloud Controls Matrix .