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Participate in the Peer Review of SaaS Technical Controls!

Publication Peer Review

Organization Management - Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v5
Organization Management - Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v5

Organization Management - Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v5

Open Until: 02/27/2024

Organization Management refers to the overall management of your cloud footprint, including how you organize and secure your providers and the individual deployments within a provider. These are the top-level security concerns that span your deployments, including the best ways to structure those deployments for optimum blast radius control and security management. Although the underlying technologies of each Cloud Service Provider (CSP) are fundamentally different, they usually have enough feature parity in these areas that we can leverage for some consistency in management.

The peer review period has concluded. Stay tuned for the release of the final document!