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The CCSK v5 and Security Guidance v5 are now available!

CCSK Success Stories: From a Computer Science Student

CCSK Success Stories: From a Computer Science Student

Blog Article Published: 03/04/2022

This is part of a blog series interviewing individuals who have earned their Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK), inviting them to share how they were able to leverage knowledge from the CCSK in their current roles. In this blog, we'll be interviewing Angel Sayani, a 19-year-old developer and student working on her BS in computer science.

1. Tell us about your current experience with cloud computing and your goals for the future.

I am preparing myself for a BS in computer science degree. I am new to cloud computing and want to start a career in this field. In the future, I want to start a cloud SecaaS company and an application AI robotics company, integrating ML-driven, Deep Learning projects.

2. What made you decide to earn your CCSK?

I was in a quest for a vendor-neutral cloud certificate. We don’t have as many certifications in cloud computing security, and I came across the CCSK, which turned out to be the perfect cert I was looking for. After I read the CSA Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v4, I was so determined to pursue the CCSK. With the level of knowledge it renders, I felt that this decisive awareness of cloud security concepts is crucial for any computer science student, IT professional or cloud business who uses cloud or utilizes any As-a-Service model. It is a certificate of erudition.

3. What part of the material from the CCSK has been the most relevant to your coursework or future goals?

Cloud computing and cybersecurity are the most relevant material for my coursework, and the CCSK integrates both, an indispensable certificate for any cloud security job seeker.

The CCSK helped me shape my goals, about what sphere I want to start a career in. Studying for the CCSK sparked an interest in me to commence a venture in cloud computing.

4. What other CSA research or content have you looked into? How has it benefited you?

I have studied CSA’s research content like the Consensus Assessment Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ), CCM, and STAR Registry, and feel they are really effective in assessing security controls. When I start a business in cloud, these are the resources I will use for my business as a cloud security prototype. I definitely will utilize STAR assessments and certifications.

5. Would you encourage other computer science students to obtain the CCSK or other CSA qualifications? Why?

Definitely! Obtaining the CCSK also helps students to get high transfer credits and opens up the door to a lot of job opportunities. I also want to earn the CCAK soon, which is the world’s first cloud auditing credential.

So, I would strongly suggest that all computer science students obtain both qualifications (CCSK and CCAK). Plus, earning well-recognized and respected CSA qualifications will provide ample comprehensiveness and profundity on diverse domains in cloud. The expertise acquired from accomplishing these certifications will provide beneficial intuitions on classifying vital guidelines, benchmarks and regulations.

6. What is the best advice you can give to other computer science students to help them pursue their own goals?

I think it’s important to be resolute and steadfast in whatever concentration you study, and I recommend all students to, “Empower yourself through continuous learning. A focused approach will definitely help you stay determined and achieve your goals.”

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