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Reflections on NIST Symposium in September 2024, Part 1

Published 10/04/2024

Reflections on NIST Symposium in September 2024, Part 1

Written by Ken Huang, CEO of and VP of Research at CSA GCR.

Yesterday (September 24, 2024), I had the privilege of attending the NIST symposium “Unleashing AI Innovation, Enabling Trust.” The first day of the event had two panels.

The first panel, titled “Advancing Generative AI Risk Management: Understanding Risks, AI Actors, and Mitigations Across the AI Value Chain,” moderated by Chloe Autio (NIST Associate), featured panelists Helen Toner (Center for Security and Emerging Technology), Taja Naidoo (Meta, Open Loop), Jessica Newman (University of California, Berkeley), and Chris Meserole (Foundation Model Forum). The conversation on risk management in generative AI was engaging, and I plan to write a separate article focusing on that discussion.

However, this article centers on the second panel, “Addressing Synthetic Content,” moderated by Rob Reich (Stanford professor and NIST AI senior advisor). The panelists included Katherine Lee (Google DeepMind), Rebecca Portnoff (Thorn), Leonard Rosenthol (Adobe), and William Corvey (DARPA Information Innovation Office). Their discussion on the complexities of synthetic content/data inspired me to think about a 3D matrix framework to better define and scope synthetic data so we can apply guardrails accordingly.

After the panel, I had the opportunity to discuss my 3D matrix idea with Rob Reich, Leonard Rosenthol, and William Corvey. They found the concept intriguing. Rob also encouraged me to write something about it. To define and scope synthetic data or content, which still lacks a clear definition, we can pragmatically use the following 3D matrix: Who Uses the Data, Who Generates the Data, and the Nature of the Synthetic Data Itself.

As a high level overview, the following mindmap can be helpful:

3D Matrix Framework for Synthetic Data

Dimension 1: Who is Using the Data?

This dimension focuses on the actors using synthetic data, including human actors, organizations, AI agents, downstream applications, etc. The following is just some examples of users/actors. Keep in mind that the list is not exhaustive.



Key Considerations

Ethical Implications

AI Engineers

Training, fine-tuning, testing models

Model robustness, fairness, bias reduction

Ensuring models don't perpetuate or amplify existing biases

Businesses (e.g., Banks)

Simulations, stress tests, decision-making

Regulatory compliance, privacy, risk modeling accuracy

Protecting customer privacy, ensuring fair lending practices


Model validation, compliance checks

Transparency, accountability, legal/ethical standards

Balancing innovation with consumer protection


Experimentation, generalization studies

Ethical use, reproducibility, bias avoidance

Ensuring research integrity and societal benefit

Downstream Applications

Automated decision-making

Quality maintenance, error prevention, bias mitigation

Preventing cascading errors in AI systems

Software Developers

AI-generated code

Security, error prevention, standards compliance

Ensuring AI-generated code is safe and ethical

LLM Engineers

Synthetic prompt generation

Accuracy, realism, ethical considerations

Preventing harmful or biased language generation

Gaming Industry

Character/environment generation

Cultural/racial bias avoidance, realism

Creating inclusive and respectful gaming experiences

Autonomous Vehicle Developers

Driving scenario simulation

Safety testing, edge case consideration

Ensuring public safety in real-world deployment

Healthcare AI Systems

Patient data simulation, outcome prediction

Privacy compliance, clinical diversity

Protecting patient confidentiality, ensuring equitable healthcare

AI Agents in Multi-Agent Systems

Synthetic interaction generation

Realistic behaviors, ethical interactions

Developing AI systems that cooperate ethically

Dimension 2: Who Generates the Data?

This dimension explores the various actors (generators) and processes involved in generating synthetic data. In many cases, generators and users can be the same actors. For example, a user can use Synthetic generated prompts to get results for a LLM. In this case both users and generators are the same actors. The following table only lists some examples. You can add more example to this table to help you to think about guardrails and ethical implications.



Key Considerations

Ethical Implications

Data Engineers

Manually create or curate synthetic datasets

Data quality, representation, scalability

Ensuring diverse and inclusive data representation

AI Platforms

Automated generation of synthetic data

Algorithm transparency, data volume, variability

Preventing algorithmic bias in data generation

GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), LLMs, or Other GenAI Models

Generate realistic synthetic data

Data fidelity, mode collapse, privacy preservation

Balancing realism with privacy protection

Federated Learning Systems

Generate aggregated insights from distributed data

Data privacy, model accuracy, communication efficiency

Protecting individual privacy while enabling collaborative learning

Simulation Engines

Create synthetic environments and scenarios

Physical accuracy, edge case coverage, computational efficiency

Ensuring simulations don't oversimplify complex real-world scenarios

Data Augmentation Tools

Modify existing data to create new synthetic samples

Data diversity, transformation validity, bias introduction

Avoiding introduction of artificial patterns or biases

Synthetic Data Marketplaces

Platforms for buying/selling synthetic datasets

Data quality assurance, usage rights, pricing models

Ensuring ethical sourcing and use of synthetic data

Crowdsourcing Platforms

Human-generated synthetic data through tasks

Task design, quality control, fair compensation

Protecting crowd workers and ensuring data quality

Domain Experts

Manual creation of specialized synthetic data

Accuracy, domain-specific nuances, scalability

Balancing expert knowledge with potential individual biases

Hybrid Human-AI Systems

Collaborative data generation between humans and AI

Human oversight, AI assistance, iterative refinement

Leveraging AI capabilities while maintaining human judgment

Dimension 3: The Nature of the Synthetic Data Itself

This dimension examines the characteristics and qualities of the synthetic data itself.



Key Considerations

Ethical Implications


How closely the data resembles real-world data

High-fidelity vs. low-fidelity trade-offs

Balancing realism with privacy protection


The format and organization of the data

Structured vs. unstructured data handling

Ensuring fair representation across data types


The amount of synthetic data generated

Scalability, storage, processing requirements

Preventing data abundance from overshadowing quality(overfitting)


The diversity and range of the synthetic data

Coverage of edge cases, rare events

Ensuring inclusive representation of minorities

Temporal Aspects

Time-related characteristics of the data

Historical trends, future projections

Avoiding temporal biases or anachronisms


Combination of different data types or sources

Integration challenges, consistency

Ensuring fairness across different modalities

Privacy Level

Degree of anonymization or obfuscation

Re-identification risks, utility preservation

Balancing data utility with individual privacy

Augmentation Level

Extent of modification from original data

Originality, transformation validity

Clearly distinguishing synthetic from real data

Domain Specificity

How tailored the data is to a particular field

Generalizability, domain expert validation

Avoiding over-specialization that may limit applicability


Compatibility with different systems or formats

Standards compliance, data portability

Ensuring equitable access and use across platforms

Guardrails and Policy Recommendations for Synthetic Data based on 3D Framework

I. Guardrails

Based on the 3D framework, we can begin to propose the following potential guardrails for synthetic data using a few examples:

A. Guardrails for Actors Using Synthetic Data (Dimension 1)




AI Engineers

Bias Mitigation Protocol

Implement a standardized protocol for detecting and mitigating biases in models trained on synthetic data


Synthetic Data Disclosure

Mandate clear disclosure when synthetic data is used in decision-making processes affecting customers or stakeholders


Synthetic Data Audit Framework

Develop a comprehensive audit framework specifically for models and systems using synthetic data


Reproducibility Standards

Establish standards for documenting synthetic data generation and use in research to ensure reproducibility

Downstream Applications

Continuous Monitoring System

Implement systems for continuous monitoring and quality assurance of applications using synthetic data

B. Guardrails for Generators of Synthetic Data (Dimension 2)




Data Engineers

Diversity Checklist

Implement a mandatory diversity and inclusion checklist for manually created synthetic datasets

AI Platforms

Transparency Reports

Require regular transparency reports detailing the algorithms and processes used in synthetic data generation

GANs/LLMs/GenAI Systems

Privacy Preservation Metrics

Establish and adhere to strict privacy preservation metrics for GAN-generated synthetic data

Federated Learning Systems

Data Contribution Limits

Set limits on individual data contributions to federated learning systems to prevent over-representation

Simulation Engines

Reality Alignment Checks

Implement regular checks to ensure simulated scenarios align with real-world complexities

C. Guardrails for the Nature of Synthetic Data (Dimension 3)





Fidelity Scoring System

Develop a standardized scoring system to rate the fidelity of synthetic datasets


Structural Integrity Checks

Implement automated checks to ensure structural consistency between synthetic and real-world data


Volume Justification Requirement

Require justification for large-volume synthetic data generation to prevent unnecessary data proliferation


Variability Audits

Conduct regular audits to ensure synthetic data captures appropriate variability, including edge cases

Temporal Aspects

Temporal Consistency Verification

Implement verification processes to ensure temporal consistency in time-sensitive synthetic data

II. Policy Recommendations

Based on the 3D framework and proposed guardrails, we can conceive the following potential policies:

A. Policies for Regulating Actors Using Synthetic Data (Dimension 1)
  1. Mandatory Synthetic Data Training: Require all professionals working with synthetic data to undergo training on ethical considerations and best practices.
  2. Synthetic Data Impact Assessments: Mandate regular impact assessments for high-stakes applications using synthetic data.
  3. Cross-Sector Collaboration Initiatives: Establish programs to facilitate knowledge sharing and best practices across different sectors using synthetic data.

B. Policies for Overseeing Synthetic Data Generation (Dimension 2)
  1. Certification Program for Synthetic Data Generators: Develop a certification program for individuals and organizations generating synthetic data.
  2. Open-Source Initiative for Synthetic Data Tools: Promote the development and use of open-source tools for synthetic data generation to increase transparency and accessibility.
  3. Privacy-Preserving Technology Incentives: Create incentives for the development and adoption of advanced privacy-preserving technologies in synthetic data generation.

C. Policies for Governing the Nature of Synthetic Data (Dimension 3)
  1. Synthetic Data Labeling Standards: Establish clear standards for labeling synthetic data, including information on its nature, fidelity, and intended use.
  2. Data Quality Frameworks: Develop comprehensive frameworks for assessing and ensuring the quality of synthetic data across various dimensions.
  3. Ethical Guidelines for Synthetic Data Use: Create sector-specific ethical guidelines for the use of synthetic data, addressing unique challenges in areas such as healthcare, finance, and criminal justice.

D. Overarching Policy Recommendations
  1. Adaptive Regulatory Framework: Implement an adaptive regulatory approach that can quickly respond to technological advancements in synthetic data.
  2. International Cooperation on Synthetic Data Standards: Foster international collaboration to develop global standards for synthetic data generation and use.
  3. Research Funding for Long-Term Impact Studies: Allocate funding for research into the long-term societal and ethical impacts of widespread synthetic data use.
  4. Synthetic Data Ethics Board: Establish a national or international ethics board focused specifically on synthetic data issues.
  5. Whistleblower Protection for Synthetic Data Misuse: Implement strong whistleblower protections for individuals reporting unethical practices in synthetic data generation or use.

These potential guardrails and policy recommendations may be used to create a comprehensive framework for the ethical and responsible use of synthetic data, addressing the multifaceted nature of its users, generators, and inherent characteristics. As the field evolves, these recommendations should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect new technological advancements and emerging ethical considerations.


This article was inspired by the NIST symposium, "Unleashing AI Innovation, Enabling Trust" (September 24, 2024), and conversations with industry leaders including Rob Reich, Leonard Rosenthol, and William Corvey.

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