Cloud 101CircleEventsBlog
Participate in the Peer Review of SaaS Technical Controls!

Contact CSA


The Cloud Security Alliance is an inclusive group, and we want to work with as many of our peers as possible to accomplish our mission of securing cloud computing. Please reach out to if you have any questions or aren’t sure who to contact.

Organizationsinterested in partnering with CSA in some capacity can reach out to us at
Individualswith an interest in cloud computing and the expertise to help make it more secure can join CSA as an individual by creating an account on Circle.

Talk to a CSA Representative

Become a Corporate Member

Interested in becoming a member of the Cloud Security Alliance? Contact us and let us work with you to discuss your needs.

Event or Webinar Sponsorships

Have questions about sponsoring an event or webinar?

Research Analyst Inquiry

Our team of analysts can help you find the right research you need or connect you with an expert to help answer your questions about cloud security.


Customer Support

Have a question about one of our platforms or products? You can use the following support desk articles and FAQs to help troubleshoot your problem, or feel free to email and someone will help you.
Circle Community Platform FAQ
STAR Registry FAQ
Exam & Training FAQ

EMEA Inquiries