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The Annual SaaS Security Survey Report 2025 Plans and Priorities

The Annual SaaS Security Survey Report 2025 Plans and Priorities
Release Date: 06/03/2024

In 2024, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms are integral to most businesses. Unfortunately, inventive threat actors regularly breach SaaS applications...

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The 2020 State of Identity Security in the Cloud - Chinese Translation

The 2020 State of Identity Security in the Cloud - Chinese Translation
Release Date: 02/07/2022

This localized version of this publication was produced from the original source material through the efforts of chapters and volunteers but the translate...

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Roles and Responsibilities of Third Party Security Services

Roles and Responsibilities of Third Party Security Services
Release Date: 11/30/2021

As we witness the broader adoption of cloud services, it is no surprise that third-party outsourced services are also on the rise. The security responsibi...

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SecaaS Working Group Charter 2021

SecaaS Working Group Charter 2021
Release Date: 07/09/2021

This charter lays out the scope, responsibilities, and roadmap for the Security as a Service (SecaaS) Working Group. The SecaaS Working Group has been cre...

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Disaster Recovery as a Service

Disaster Recovery as a Service
Release Date: 05/13/2021

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a cloud computing service model that allows an organization to back up its data and IT infrastructure in a third...

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The 2020 State of Identity Security in the Cloud

The 2020 State of Identity Security in the Cloud
Release Date: 11/19/2020

The use of cloud services have continued to increase over the past decade. Particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 public health crisis, many enterprises di...

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SecaaS Working Group Charter

SecaaS Working Group Charter
Release Date: 04/09/2019

In order to improve understanding, perception, and thus reputation, Security as a Service requires a clear definition and direction to ensure it is understoo...

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Security as a Service Implementation Guidance (Categories 1-10)

Security as a Service Implementation Guidance (Categories 1-10)
Release Date: 03/01/2016

In order to improve the understanding of Security as a Service and accelerate market acceptance, clear categorization and definitions of security services...

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Defining Categories of Security as a Service: Continuous Monitoring

Defining Categories of Security as a Service: Continuous Monitoring
Release Date: 02/29/2016

In order to improve the understanding of Security as a Service and accelerate market acceptance, clear categorization and definitions of these services is ne...

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SecaaS Category 7 // Security Information and Event Management Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 7 // Security Information and Event Management Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/29/2012

This document provides guidance on how to evaluate, architect, and deploy cloud-based SIEM services to both enterprise and cloud-based networks, infrastructu...

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SecaaS Category 9 // BCDR Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 9 // BCDR Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

When using the cloud for operational processes and/or production systems, an organization’s BC/DR requirements must be included in their procurement, plannin...

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SecaaS Category 8 // Encryption Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 8 // Encryption Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

Encryption is a primary data (and application) protection technique. For encryption to be useful, encryption keys must be properly managed and protected. Thi...

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SecaaS Category 6 // Intrusion Management Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 6 // Intrusion Management Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

Because of the limited market maturity and lack of widely accepted best practices, this document provides implementation guidelines for cloud-based intrusion...

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SecaaS Category 5 // Security Assessments Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 5 // Security Assessments Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

There are many choices for an assessment framework standard and there is no "one size fits all" solution for security assessments. One could reasonably expec...

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SecaaS Category 4 // Email Security Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 4 // Email Security Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

Due to its ubiquitous use, electronic mail is both the prime target of, and primary vehicle for, attacks, and must be protected on both ends: sending and rec...

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SecaaS Category 2 // Data Loss Prevention Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 2 // Data Loss Prevention Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

DLP must be considered an essential element for achieving an effective information security strategy for protecting data as it moves to, resides in and depar...

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SecaaS Category 3 // Web Security Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 3 // Web Security Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

The vendor and academic community have come together to form a set of solutions called Security as a Service. This document specifically addresses one elemen...

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SecaaS Category 10 // Network Security Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 10 // Network Security Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 10/08/2012

In a cloud environment, a major part of network security is likely to be provided by virtual security devices and services, alongside traditional physical ne...

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SecaaS Category 1 // Identity and Access Management Implementation Guidance

SecaaS Category 1 // Identity and Access Management Implementation Guidance
Release Date: 09/26/2012

This document addresses personnel involved in the identification and implementation of the IAM solution in the cloud. It will be of particular interest to th...

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Defined Categories of Service 2011

Defined Categories of Service 2011
Release Date: 10/26/2011

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